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Only a few minutes remain before you are surrounded by pseudo spirits melting into elegant decor and festive music. You know you must dress to impress, but for some reason it feels more like a Halloween party than a masquerade ball. As soon as you step out of the comfort of your home you will enter a ghost town, alone in your thoughts. The question lingers in your mind the same way it has every time you stop into the real world: do you wear makeup to cover your vitiligo or do you endure the stares? The answer is obscure. It is a personal choice. For some, wearing makeup makes them feel confident and creates an identity. Others draw confidence from the beauty of their bare skin. In a society filled with so many standards for beauty, it is easy to feel lost. We are all souls masked with mystery. For those finding themselves asking this question every morning or before every outing, know that you are not alone. All you need to know is that no matter what decision you make - whether it be to wear makeup or not to wear makeup - you are loved and you are beautiful.

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